Did you know that your donations to the Center for Creative Growth are tax-deductible? The Center for Creative Growth is a 501(c)(3) educational and charitable organization. All donations made to our Center are fully deducible as a charitable contribution. Your financial support allows us to continue to expand our therapy services to the community. And, it supports us in training counseling and psychology graduate students in the impactful and effective therapy methods we use. As part of our services, these therapists-in-training provide high quality, sliding-scale services to the broad community.
Please donate to our organization and feel the satisfaction of knowing you are supporting a very worthy endeavor.
To donate, please choose one of the following choices:
1. Click on the PayPal button at the bottom of this page to send your donation via PayPal (the PayPal page will say “Donate to Linda Katz”)
2. Send us a check directly, made out to Center for Creative Growth. Send to: Center for Creative Growth, 2782 Goularte Drive, Pinole, CA 94564
3. Call us at 510/527-2100, extension 5, or e-mail jasons@creativegrowth.com in order to make a donation with your credit card.
We will send you a receipt verifying your donation which you can use as verification of your tax-deductible donation.
Thanks very much!