If you’re visiting this page, you probably heard about us from Pete Walker’s excellent book, Complex PTSD – From Surviving to Thriving, or his website. If you live in California, you might consider our 20-Week Group Intensive Program, offered twice a year via Zoom, or our individual therapy or couples therapy options, also available via Zoom. If you live outside California, we have individual, couples, and family therapy services available, but not our 20-Week Group Intensive Program (due to licensing restrictions).
While our Center was the San Francisco Bay area counseling affiliate of the John Bradshaw Center, our staff enjoyed the privilege of being specially trained by John’s Clinical Director, Kip Flock, LCSW (570-743-1055). Kip was also the featured therapist on some of John’s Public Television broadcasts. While John operated his inpatient, hospital-based Center at Ingleside Hospital in Los Angeles (until 1994), there were other counseling affiliates like ourselves, in other parts of the United States, whose therapists were also trained by Kip.
For those of you who might be looking for other therapists familiar with John Bradshaw’s perspective on growth and healing, here are a list of those other former affiliates of the John Bradshaw Center. Feel free to contact them and see if you want to utilize their services.
Disclaimer: Please note that we are not recommending any of these therapists to you. We are simply providing you with their names and phone numbers. We don’t know most of these therapists personally, so it’s very important for you to rely on your own intuition and sense of whether he or she is the right therapist for you, and for you to assess their competence and suitability for yourself.
Other Former Affiliates of the John Bradshaw Center
San Diego County, California:
Art Pammenter Ph.D. and Lynne Pammenter-Woodman, Ph.D.
858/831-0795, E-mail: drart@drartp.com, or visit Art Pammenter’s website.
Hallandale/Ft. Lauderdale, Florida:
Joan Childs, LCSW
1040 Bayview Dr. #503
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl 33304
2500 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., #503
Hallandale, FL 33009
954/568-1004. E-mail: joanec@aol.com
Your Area Not Listed?
If you’re looking for a therapist or counselor in an area not listed above, please check out the following list, organized by geographical area. This is a list of other therapists in different parts of the United States and elsewhere whom we have heard also are familiar with, and interested in, John Bradshaw’s methods and techniques. Although these therapists have not been trained by the John Bradshaw Center, you may wish to check them out.
In contacting a therapist from our list below, you can ask on the phone if they’re familiar with and comfortable doing “inner child work” or codependency work and, of course, if they’re familiar with John Bradshaw, his orientation and approaches, and if they like his perspective. You may wish to ask about the therapist’s license or credential and their specific training background and orientation. We always recommend that it’s worthwhile to consider your initial face-to-face visit with a therapist as an exploratory one, a time to check out if you feel there’s a good “fit” or “match.” If there is, and you think the therapist is skilled in dealing with the issues you’re wanting to resolve, then you can schedule more sessions together.
What You Can Do If Your Local Area Is Not On the Following List
One possible way to make contact with Bradshaw-oriented therapists is to attend 12-step meetings in your area and ask participants if they know of like-minded therapists. People who participate in 12-step groups, like Alcoholics Anonymous or Al-Anon, would be more likely to be knowledgeable about therapists who share a 12-step perspective. And, as you may know, 12-steppers are often very compatible with inner child work and an inner child/codependency perspective. People there ought to be aware of counselors who like the 12-step approach, which is another good indicator of a counselor who would gravitate towards John Bradshaw’s approach. Another tip would be to make contact with the therapists listed below, even if they’re not in your immediate area — there’s a good chance they may know of like-minded therapists in your immediate area. Good luck in your search!
You can help us keep this list up to date! Please let us know if you find that a phone number has changed or is no longer working. You can e-mail us with this information. Plus, if you’d like to recommend a therapist to us who is not on the list, please have them get in touch with us via e-mail. Thanks very much for your help!
Robin Dilley, Ph.D., Sun City
602/564-1919, E-mail: drrobinbdilley@gmail.com, or visit Robin Dilley’s website.
Paul Clark
in Manly/Northern Beaches/North Shore area of Sydney
Phone: 02 9907 8183
E-mail: paulclarkcounselling@gmail.com
Postal PO Box 545, Coogee, NSW 2034
Shirley Smith
Recovery Resources
PO Box 1605, Neutral Bay NSW, Australia 2089
Phone: +61 2 9953 7000
Fax: +61 2 9953 7100
Email: info@theradiantgroup.com.au
Denise Hayes, ADWS, Cert MC, AIWCW
Box 133, Cowes, 3922, Victoria
Phone – (03) 59 522 927
Fax – (03) 59 521 408
E-mail: pacdown@nex.net.au
Denise Hayes has written a Manual entitled “Nobody told me! — Shame — The Impact of Shame in Multigenerational Family Systems and Parenting Practices”, which is now being used by counseling agencies throughout Australia.
Wendy Buchanan
5 Averil Place, Lindfield, NSW, Australia, 2070
Phone – 9880 8723
Fax – 9880 8724
E-mail: buchananw@one.net.au
Michelle Fraser
Sunshine Coast
Phone – 1300 360 177
Mobile phone – 0410754422
E-mail: michelle@thecch.com
The following seven therapists have been staff members at the John Bradshaw Center or other Bradshaw-founded centers, which means they have been specially trained by the John Bradshaw Center staff:
Ira Rubin, Los Angeles, 323/953-0339
Stan Tatkin, Psy.D., Los Angeles, 805/499-6171 or 818/880-1107
E-mail: stan@ahealthymind.org
Jean Wolfe, MFT, Los Angeles and Thousand Oaks, 805/499-3373
Jack Nelson Soll, MFT, Los Angeles, 310/471-2210
E-mail: jnsoll@aol.com
Margo Daksakis-Stein, Manhattan Beach, 310/379-4700
Licia Ginne, MFT, Santa Cruz, 831/471-8647
E-mail: licia@psychotherapysantacruz.com
Website: www.psychotherapysantacruz.com
Malcolm Stanislaus, MFT, Santa Monica and Ventura, 805/304-4331
The following counseling center was, like our Center, an official affiliate of the John Bradshaw Center. Their staff was also trained by the John Bradshaw Center:
Art Pammeter Ph.D. or Lynne Pammenter-Woodman, Ph.D.
858/831-0795, E-mail: drart@drartp.com or visit Art Pammenter’s website.
The following are other California therapists who were not staff members at the John Bradshaw Center, but who are worth checking out:
Kathleen Kantz, Ph.D., Cerritos, 562/402-6212
Marguerite Doumak, MFT, Rancho Palos Verdes 310/519-0897
Donn Warshaw, Mission Hills, 805/254-5327
Jeanne King, North Hollywood 818/760-7676
Michael Topp, North Hollywood 818/760-7676
Caroline Williams, Encino 818/345-0107
Lorraine Krane, LCSW, Encino, 818/789-7130 and Thousand Oaks, 805/827-9905
E-mail: lorraine@therapy4solutions.com
Betty Aviad, MFT, Encino, 818/907-7455
E-mail: betty@therapy4solutions.com
Miguel Ramirez, Tarzana 310/855-3567
Judith Edelstein, MS, MFT, Santa Monica, 310/452-0222. E-mail: judithe816@aol.com
Patricia Wisne, Ph.D., Santa Monica, 310/828-1332
Bill E. Goldberg, MFT, Santa Monica, 310/302-1186
Barbara Perle, MSW, Burbank, 818/377-9689
Fuller Psychological Center, Pasadena, 626/584-5555
Susan Papalia, MFT, Pasadena, 626/798-5073
Liz Pierce, MFT, Laguna Hills, 949/770-7375
Andrea Schneider, LCSW, San Dimas, 626/241-6812. www.andreaschneiderlcsw.com
Raymond Hansick, Ph.D., San Clemente, 949/588-5466. E-mail: rhansick@home.com
Susan Lutz, MFT, Fresno, 559/449-8726
Barbara Boyd, MFT, Santa Barbara area, 805/565-1142
Raissa Veronique, MFT, CEDS
Santa Barbara, 805/564-8104
Glendale, 310/281-1719
Linda Paoli, LCSW, Sacramento, 916/972-7831.
E-mail: redecide@citlink.net.Visit Linda’s website!
Doris Herrscher, Sacramento, 916/723-6907
Andrea Lambert, MFT, Sacramento, 916/966-0411
E-mail: andrea@andrealambert.com. Visit Andrea’s website!
James Henman, Ph.D., Psychological Associates, Modesto, 209/577-1667
Isabel Vansicklen, MFT, Psychological Associates, Modesto, 209/577-1667
Maria DeRubeis M.S.W., R.S.W. PASSAGES-Pathway to Healing, Windsor, Ontario
519/973-6161 (office), 519/973-1272 FAX.
E-mail: mariaderubeis.counselling@gmail.com
Rob Hawkings, MA, MES, MBA, Mississauga (Greater Toronto Area), 905-848-2056
E-mail: rob.hawkings@gmail.com
Orit Morse MA, OACCPP. New Realities, Toronto, 416-921-9670
Jorhdin Banner, Ph.D., Toronto, Ontario, 416-964-2363
Jane Gallagher, Family Recovery Center, Wilton, 203/762-0654
See United Kingdom
Conni Hall-Olson, RN, LCSW-C, Sarasota, 941/376-9355
Joan Childs, LCSW
1040 Bayview Dr. #503
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl 33304
2500 E. Hallandale Beach Blvd., #503
Hallandale, FL 33009
E-mail: joanec@aol.com
Paulette Massari, LCSW, Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Certified Hypnotherapist, St. Petersburg, 727/244-2880
Sara Anderson Powell, Psy.P, Temple Terrace, 813/989-8606
Charles Whitfield, MD, Author of Healing the Child Within
Atlanta, 404/843-3585
E-mail: c-bwhit@mindspring.com
The Center for Counseling Services, Atlanta, 770/394-5447
Sylvia Thorne, Ph.D., Atlanta, 770/256-4881
Ginny Deal, MSW, Atlanta, 770/256-4881
Dan Martin, MS, LPC, NCC, Atlanta, 770/928-5130, ext. 3.
E-mail: pescounseling@bellsouth.net
Caren Ex, Skokie, 847/677-4664
Lori Osborne, MSW, LCSW, Normal, 309/268-2910
Helen Mc Crarren
Killycarnan, Scotstown, Co Monaghan
Telephone: 003534789531
E-mail: mccrarren@esatclear.ie
Joan Lisso Rogers, BCSW, New Orleans, 504/866-5111
Meda Killgore, LCSW, Ruston, 318/251-1418. E-mail: mkillgore@gmail.com
Richard Schreder, Ph.D., PA, Baltimore, 410/788-8574
Lizbeth T. Binks, Ph.D., Baltimore, 410/532-3080. E-mail: drlbinks@drlbinks.com
Mark Dubeck, LMFT, Northhampton, 413/586-7027. E-mail: mark@thegarden-cgc.org
Barbara Weiner, LMHC, Northhampton, 413/584-3796. E-mail: barbara@thegarden-cgc.org
Lynne Merl, LCSW, Medford, 617/396-1311
Twila Broadway, LMFT, Reading, 617/939-5740
Steven Allison, PsyD., LicSW, Hingham, 617/749-8661
Avrom Weinberg, Ph.D., Marshfield, 781/837-1870
Carmen Pepicelli, LMHC, Andover, 978/237-4730. E-mail: carment@carmenpepicelli.com. Website: www.carmenpepicelli.com
Aimee Sova, MSW, CSW, Detroit, 248/399-9862 or 810/856-0967. E-mail: Aimee30@tir.com.
Linda Lawson, MALLP, Ann Arbor, 734/ 213-3568
Nina Rosely Mastick, MSW, Traverse City, 616/947-2990
Dorothy Decker, LMSW, LMFT, DCSW, Plymouth, 734/455-1880. E-mail: d.h.decker@juno.com
Cheryl Bassett, MSW, Jackson, 517/782-2442
Hazelden Programs, Center City, 800/257-7810 (in the U.S., Canada, Virgin Islands)
or 612/257-4010 (outside the U.S.)
Visit Hazelden’s website.
Ernie Brauner, MA, LCSW, St. Louis, 314/997-0885
Joseph Cusumano, Ph.D., Florissant, 314/837-7828
Dr. Tristan Sophia, PsyD, Butte, 406-635-8832. For more details, click here.
New Mexico
Blythe Richfield, M.A., 505/988-7307. E-mail: richfieldb@aol.com
Kristin Roush, Ph.D., Albuquerque, 505/266-3046
New York
Rev. Sheri Heller, RCSW, CAS, New York, 212/594-9801
Visit Rev. Sheri Heller’s home page which includes a helpful list of recovery resources.
Phyllis Ozarin, MS, Islip, 516/277-4522
Joyce Z. Meyers, CSW, New York, 212/229-0335. www.heartandsoultherapy.com
Judy Gringorten, ACSW, RCSW, New York City (212/982-8835) and Valley Cottage (917/903-9665). E-mail: jegrin1@yahoo.com
Eve Pappas, Ph.D., New York, 212/475-8614
Julie Cohen, LCSW, Great Neck, New York, 516/504-1881. www.magicseedsliving.com
Maureen Geller, MSW, Brooklyn, 718/398-7481
Ann L. Burke, MPS, LCSW-R, 917/916-1946. For more details, click here.
Kip Flock (former Clinical Director, John Bradshaw Center), Hummels Wharf, 570/743-1055
Dolores C. Proto, MA, Philadelphia, 215/331-1814
Chuck Ayers, Williamsport, 717/323-2250
Robert Kline, Crystal Group, Wyndmoor, 215/233-3994
Linda Cronin, Montrose and Susquehanna, 717/278-9259 or 717/853-3995
Barbara MacLeod, MS, CAC, Scranton, 717/347-8771
Brad Shamis, Ph.D., Bensalem, 215/725-2287
Rhode Island
Rachel Smith, Coventry, 401/828-5065
Jerry Goodman, LMSW-ACP, LCDC, LPC, CAS, Houston, 713/266-1711
Margaret Goodman, LMSW-ACP, LCDC, Houston, 713/266-1711
Barbara Wolfer, MA, LPC, CH, Clear Lake City, 281/333-9287
Jan Fletcher, LPC, Austin (no phone number available – call local Directory Assistance)
Marion Bowden, LCDC, Hunt (Texas Hill County), 830/238-4360
Cedric Wood, Ph.D., Dallas, 214/394-4040
Marilyn O’Hara, M.Ed., LPC, Dallas, 972/490-9026 or 972/458-9026
United Kingdom
The Personal Awareness Centre
32 Croft Road, Norbury, London, SW16 3NF
Telephone: + 44 0208 765 1948
Fax Number: + 44 181 765 1948
Counselors: Michaela McCarthy & Angela Flacks.
Dianne Zaccheo, + 44 0207 603 0368.
Rene Plen and Ernest Woollett
30 Grantham Crescent, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP2 9PD
Telephone: + 44 1473 412629
Fax Number: + 44 1473 411499
Claire Odeon Hershman, BACP Senior Accred
Folkestone Kent UK
Website: www.clairehershman.com
E-mail: claire.odeon@gmail.com
Phone: 07957147301
Sarah Lee
Manchester, UK
Phone: 0161 694 725
Miriam Nadler (BA, PgD)
077 88 99 6036
Karin Kreuger and Associates, Salt Lake City, 801/262-5154
Barbara Getchell, DCSW, LCSW, Chesapeake, : 757/415-1306. E-mail: getchellgbp@msn.com
Washington, D.C.
Charlene Nemetz, LicSW, 202/457-9122
Washington State
Kim Buehlman, Seattle, 206/325-6452
Max Tsymbalau MS, LMHC
3417 Evanston Ave N #307
Seattle, WA 98103